Native Tree Specialists

We specialise in growing UK native trees and hedging  from UK seed source at our nursery in the Hertfordshire countryside.

Our focus is on UK  grown , UK  native trees which can be used for both landscaping and hedging. 

UK native trees and hedging from UK seed source  only

We deliberately only grow and sell UK seed sourced native tree and hedging species including those that may be under threat and those that play a vital role in supporting indigenous wildlife. Where we buy in cell grown very young stock (rather than propagating our own from seed), we do so from the UK's leading suppliers, who in turn also only use UK seed sources and who follow industry best practices 


Exotic tree pests and diseases have entered the UK from overseas and are sweeping through the countryside. At least 20 are attacking our native trees, with six reaching epidemic levels. There are more nearing our borders through international trade and helped along by the warmer, wetter changing climate. Planting native trees that are both seed sourced and grown in the UK in a regulated environment reduces the risks of importing unwanted diseases and there spread. We take biosecurity seriously with a view to growing healthy stock and playing our part in protecting our native species and the wild life that flourish in tandem with them. We maintain and follow a working Biosecurity policy. We follow closely, updates on plant health provided by The APHA and our local Plant Health and Seeds Inspectorate (PHSI) Inspector. 

Quality stock

Our trees are grown above ground in special air pruning root pouches to ensure that they develop a strong and healthy root structure. This both helps to protect against disease and the trees to develop and grow to their full potential. We use good quality John Innis potting composts and locally sourced compost/soil mixes. We augment growth with specialist tree fertilizers when both repotting and as a top dressing during the growing season. We use insecticides and fungicides responsibly and sparingly.
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