Pouch-grown Native Trees Available for Planting Now!

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Prunus Padus - BIRD CHERRY

In stock: 34 available
Product Details
Pouch Size: 12 litre
Height: 1.5m - 2m
A stunning, scented show-stopper of a tree. In spring, nectar-loving animals flock to this beautiful tree for its almond-scented blossom
Size- Mature trees can grow up to 25m.
Where to find it- It’s commonly found in wet woodland, hedgerows and stream and river banks.

Value to wildlife- Like wild cherry, the spring flowers provide an early source of nectar and pollen for bees. The cherries are eaten by birds, including the blackbird and song thrush, as well as mammals such as badger, wood mouse, yellow-necked mouse and dormouse.

The foliage is eaten by caterpillars of many moth species, including the orchard ermine, brimstone and short-cloaked moth. However, it is toxic to livestock, particularly goats.

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Prunus Padus - BIRD CHERRY
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