Pouch-grown Native Trees Available for Planting Now!

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Salix caprea - WILLOW, GOAT

In stock: 13 available
Product Details
Pouch Size: 22 Litre
Height: 2m - 2.5m
Also known as the pussy willow, the male catkins of the goat willow look like a cat’s paws. It supports lots of wildlife, including rare butterflies.
Size- Mature trees grow to 10m and can live for 300 years.
Where to find it-It is found growing in woodland, hedgerows and scrub, and on damper, more open ground near lakes, streams and canals.

Value to wildlife- Goat Willow foliage is eaten by the caterpillars of a number of moths. It is also the main food plant for the purple emperor butterfly. Catkins provide an important early source of pollen and nectar for bees and other insects, and birds use Goat Willow to forage for caterpillars and insects.

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Salix caprea - WILLOW, GOAT
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