Pouch-grown Native Trees Available for Planting Now!

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Sorbus torminalis WILD SERVICE TREE

In stock: 18 available
Product Details
Pouch Size: 12Litre
Height: 1.5M

This deciduous broadleaf tree can reach 25m when mature, the lobed leaves are similar to maple, and turn a rich, coppery red before falling in Autumn..

Once pollinated, the small white flowers develop into green-brown oval fruits (sometimes called chequers), 10–15 mm diameter and patterned with small, pale spots when mature in mid to late autumn

Although rare, it is often found in Oak /Ash woods and pockets of ancient woodland.

Mature trees grow to a height of more than 40m and develop a huge domed crown.

Where to find it- In the UK, common beech is only considered truly native to south-east England and south-east Wales. It grows in woods or as single trees, usually on drier, free-draining soils, such as chalk, limestone and light loams.

Beech woodland is shady and characterised by a dense carpet of fallen leaves and mast husks which prevent most woodland plants from growing. Only specialist shade-tolerant plants can survive beneath a beech canopy.
Value to wildlife- Due to its dense canopy, rarer plant species are associated with beech woodland, such as box, coralroot bittercress and a variety of orchids, including red helleborine. Beech woodland provides an important habitat for many butterflies, particularly in open glades and along woodland rides.

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Sorbus torminalis WILD SERVICE TREE
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